Tim Boulton
Registered Psychotherapist



I am committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.  This statement outlines my policies and procedures with respect to collecting, using and disclosing your personal health information.

Collection of Your Personal Health Information

I collect only that information from you that I believe is reasonably necessary to provide you with services.

Use of Your Personal Health Information

Your personal health information is used to provide you with service.  This includes potentially using the information for record keeping, research, service monitoring, and billing purposes.

Your record may be accessed for external auditing purposes.  However, any information that identifies you will not be taken out of the premises for these purposes.  All persons involved in such activities are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of accessed information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Health Information

With only a few exceptions, your personal health information will not be disclosed without your consent. The exceptions include circumstances in which disclosure is justified by law and allowed by my professional ethical standards (e.g., risk of serious bodily harm or need for confidential professional consultation), or required by law (e.g., reporting of a child in need of protection, reporting a health professional who has sexually abused a client, or a court order to release information from a record).

When you are being asked to consent to the disclosure of your personal health information, you may restrict me from sharing all or any part of your personal information. However, if, in my opinion, the information is reasonably necessary for another heath service provider to provide appropriate service, I am required by law to inform the other provider that you have refused consent to provide some needed information.

Your Right of Access to Your Personal Health Information Record

Should you so desire, you can make arrangements with me to review your personal file in my presence.

If you believe that information in your record is not accurate, you may make a written request to correct your record.  If I do not agree with the correction you request, you may file a notice of disagreement into your record.

Shared Office Space

Other treatment providers may, on occasion, use the office space, however, your records are not accessible to them, as they are kept in a separate locked file, or password on a computer that is not shared with others. Also, your information is not discussed with these other professionals, unless you have given express consent (i.e., for consultation or referral).

Further Information

I am happy to speak to you directly to answer any questions you might have regarding this Privacy Policy.  If you would like more detailed information at any time, would like to access or ask for a correction of your record, have a concern about the privacy policies and procedures, or have a complaint about the way your privacy has been handled, please do not hesitate to let me know.



If you have a concern or complaint and are not satisfied with my response you may contact The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario
M4W 1A8
Phone: 416-326-3333 or 1-800-387-0073
Fax: 416-325-9195
TTY: 416-325-7539 or my governing body, College of Registered Psychotherapists Phone: 1 844 712-1364 / 416 479-4330




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